Home Latest WASM: The Next Big Thing for Web Applications

WASM: The Next Big Thing for Web Applications

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WebAssembly (WASM) is a low-level programming language that enables developers to run native code in the browser. This means that developers can now build web applications that are just as fast and efficient as native mobile apps. WASM is expected to be used to develop a wide range of web applications in 2023 and beyond, such as games, 3D graphics applications, and video editing applications.

Here in the United States, WASM is already being used by some of the biggest tech companies in the world. For example, Google is using WASM to improve the performance of its web applications, such as Google Maps and Google Docs. Microsoft is using WASM to develop new features for its Edge browser. And Amazon is using WASM to develop new services for its AWS cloud platform.

The Rise of Serverless Computing: Key Statistics

  • According to a 2023 survey by the WebAssembly Foundation, 62% of developers are using Wasm in production, and 75% plan to use it in the next year.
  • Wasm is used by a wide range of companies, including Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Netflix.
  • Wasm is used in a variety of applications, including web games, video editing software, and machine learning frameworks.
  • The Wasm ecosystem is growing rapidly, with new tools and libraries being released all the time.
  • The most popular Wasm compilers and interpreters are Emscripten,Wasmtime and Wasm3.

What is WebAssembly and how does it work?

WebAssembly (WASM) is a low-level programming language that enables developers to run native code in the browser. This means that developers can now build web applications that are just as fast and efficient as native mobile apps.

WASM works by compiling code from high-level programming languages, such as C and C++, into a bytecode format that can be executed by the browser. This bytecode is then optimized by the browser for the specific platform that the user is using.

Here is a more detailed explanation of how WASM works:

  1. Developers write code in a high-level programming language, such as C or C++.
  2. The code is then compiled into WASM bytecode.
  3. The WASM bytecode is loaded into the browser.
  4. The browser optimizes the WASM bytecode for the specific platform that the user is using.
  5. The browser executes the WASM bytecode.

WASM is optimized for performance because it is a low-level language. This means that it is closer to the hardware than high-level programming languages. As a result, WASM applications can run much faster than JavaScript applications.

Real-world examples of companies using WebAssembly

  • Google:

    Google is using WASM to improve the performance of its web applications, such as Google Maps and Google Docs, by using it to implement computationally intensive tasks, such as rendering graphics and manipulating data. For example, Google Maps uses WASM to render maps more quickly and smoothly, even on low-powered devices. Google Docs uses WASM to improve the performance of its real-time collaboration features, such as typing and editing documents.
  • Microsoft:

    Microsoft is using WASM to develop new features for its Edge browser, such as a new JavaScript engine and a new graphics rendering engine. For example, the new JavaScript engine in Edge is written in Rust and compiled to WASM. This makes the JavaScript engine faster and more efficient. The new graphics rendering engine in Edge is also written in Rust and compiled to WASM. This makes the graphics rendering engine faster and more efficient, which improves the performance of web applications running in Edge.
  • Amazon:

    Amazon is using WASM to develop new services for its AWS cloud platform, such as a new serverless computing service called AWS Lambda@Edge. AWS Lambda@Edge allows developers to run WASM functions at the edge of the network, which can improve the performance of web applications by reducing latency.
  • Unity:

    Unity is using WASM to improve the performance of its web games. Unity games are now able to run with near-native performance on web browsers, which means that they can be just as fast and responsive as native game apps. This is achieved by compiling Unity games to WASM and using the Unity WebGL runtime.
  • Unreal Engine:

    Unreal Engine is using WASM to improve the performance of its web games. Unreal Engine games are now able to run with near-native performance on web browsers, which means that they can be just as fast and responsive as native game apps. This is achieved by compiling Unreal Engine games to WASM and using the Unreal Engine WebGL runtime.

The Future of WebAssembly and its Impact on the web

  • Improved performance:

    WASM applications can run much faster than JavaScript applications. This is because WASM is a lower-level language that is closer to the hardware. This means that WASM applications can be compiled to machine code that is optimized for the specific platform that the application is running on.

This improved performance will enable developers to build web applications that are more complex and demanding, such as high-fidelity games, 3D graphics applications, and real-time data processing applications.

  • Portability:

    WASM applications can run on any platform that supports a WASM runtime. This includes desktop browsers, mobile browsers, and even servers. This makes WASM applications very portable and allows them to be deployed on a wide range of devices.

This portability will make it easier for developers to reach a wider audience with their web applications. For example, a developer could build a WASM game that can be played on both desktop and mobile browsers, without having to write separate code for each platform.

  • Security:

    WASM applications can be sandboxed, which means that they cannot access the user’s system resources without permission. This makes WASM applications more secure than JavaScript applications, which can access the user’s system resources more easily.

This improved security will make it easier for developers to build web applications that handle sensitive data, such as financial data or medical data.

  • Size:

    WASM applications are typically much smaller than JavaScript applications. This is because WASM is a binary format, while JavaScript is a text format. This makes WASM applications faster to load and can also save on bandwidth costs.

This reduced size will make it easier for developers to build web applications that can be used on low-powered devices, such as smartphones and tablets.

  • Modularity:

    WASM applications can be easily broken down into modules. This makes them easier to develop and maintain. Modules can also be reused in different applications, which can save developers time and effort.

This modularity will make it easier for developers to build complex web applications by using existing modules. For example, a developer could use a WASM module to implement a specific feature, such as a game engine or a video player.

Closing Thoughts

WebAssembly (WASM) is a low-level programming language that enables developers to run native code in the browser. It is a powerful technology with the potential to revolutionize the way that web applications are developed and deployed. WASM offers a number of advantages over JavaScript, including improved performance, portability, security, size, and modularity.

As WASM continues to mature and gain adoption, we can expect to see it used to develop a wide range of new and innovative web applications. These applications could include high-fidelity games, 3D graphics applications, real-time data processing applications, machine learning applications, and serverless computing functions.

At GeekyAnts, we are excited about the potential of WASM to transform the web. We are actively working on developing WASM-based solutions for our clients. We believe that WASM has the potential to make web applications faster, more efficient, and more secure.

If you are interested in learning more about WASM or how GeekyAnts can help you develop WASM-based solutions, please contact us today.


What are some examples of how WASM is being used today?

* High-fidelity games
* 3D graphics applications
* Real-time data processing applications
* Machine learning applications
* Serverless computing functions

What are the best practices for using WASM?

* Use a WASM compiler that is optimized for size and speed.
* Use a WASM runtime that is optimized for size and speed.
* Use a WASM linker that is optimized for size and speed.
* Use a web server that is optimized for WASM.
* Use a caching mechanism to cache your WASM modules in the browser.
* Use a content delivery network (CDN) to serve your WASM modules from multiple locations around the world.

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